While completing her master’s in art at San Francisco State in the early 1970’s, Ms. Hershman Leeson was frustrated by her lack of recognition. So she began writing reviews of her own work and publishing them, under pseudonyms in local ...
La señorita Nancy Cunard nació aristócrata, murió en un hospital de caridad incapaz de recordar su propio nombre. Se educó entre la alta alcurnia y los intelectuales que frecuentarán esas altezas, Huxley entre otros. Se fugo diciendo „Negro man and ...
¿Y tienen que representar siempre el papel del gesticulante puritano que jamás ha oído hablar de relaciones sexuales? Después de todo, lo que cuenta no es donde uno se lava el cuello, sino donde uno se humedece la garganta Así pues, ustedes los del ...
She was described as being very slim, almost boyish and very pretty She was also very modern, liberated and according to Dalí, „fascinated by both him and Lorca.“ During their time in Madrid together, this group, along with another painter ...