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Ralston Farina in front of the shopwindow display for his performance Look Puzzle Phase 3, 1973, 126 Prince Street, New York, March 23, 1973. Photo: Fred W. McDarrah/Getty Images. Dennis Hermanson/ Ralston Farina Archives.

He called his work “Zeitkunst” (Time Art), directing it not to the audience”s  perception but to their memory of what was perceived.
David Polonoff, “The Nether World’s a Stage,” East Village Eye

All I remember was he performed in the dark with a suitcase on his lap.
Opened it, shut it, and the next thing I knew the lights were back on.
Michael Smith, e-mail to the author

Hay un super artículo en el ART FORUM,

I REMEMBER RALSTON, que junto con el de Holland Cotter que ya he linkeado en otro post, completan el perfil del artista que fue fiel a sus credos artí­sticos, que no dejo retratar ni una sola de sus obras, que solo veí­a tiempo en sus performativas creaciones y que, claro está, no lo recuerda ni su padre.

En fin

gajes de la tozudez o del ir hasta el final cueste lo que cueste

me gusta FARINA, lo descubri ayer aqui, http://www.shopwhitney.org/riofreisobth.html

empieza el artículo asi: I REMEMBER RALSTON FARINA. Or rather, I remember being aware of the name Ralston Farina back in the mid-1970s, in the context of work that was not yet called performance but was something newer and funkier than Happenings.

y acaba así­:


Rejecting documentation, the artist formerly known as Steven Robert Snyder would seem to have taken to heart Korzybski’s famous dictum “The map is not the territory“but what is the territory in the case of Ralston Farina, if not a map pieced together from dispersed, shredded, half-forgotten memories?